Events & Conferences


Rosanna is an expert public speaker, adept at facilitating conversations and debates across a variety of complex subjects. In her television career, she has interviewed world leaders, central bank governors, and CEOs, and her prowess in the field of business and finance has made her a popular MC, chairperson, and panel moderator, for live events around the world.

She has delivered on-stage discussions with Nobel Prize-winning scientists, best-selling authors, and senior bankers at major conferences and summits in London, Paris, New York, Cairo, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Singapore. She has also filmed and hosted projects in conjunction with the UN’s Climate Change Conference (COP) in Egypt and the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Rosanna’s expertise in live television news means that she is used to working against tight deadlines and handling unplanned developments in high-pressure environments. Organisers trust her to confidently steer their events and to accurately respond to the needs of their audiences, while being transparent, friendly and easy to work with.

She has also provided her skills as a broadcaster for select corporate videos and livestream projects, as well as awards ceremonies and galas. She specialises in combining natural and polished presentation with specialist insights and well-honed news interviewing techniques. For more details on how Rosanna can help you with your filming project or live event, please get in touch.

events showreel

Rosanna Lockwood: Presenter, Host, Chairperson, Moderator for live events around the world (Video shows: New York, Singapore, Dubai, Cairo)